Computational Analysis
In the inititial stages of a design process, analytical tools are beneficial to compare multiple hulls or detect design flaws.
Stadt Towing Tank houses several tools for numerical analysis, such as CFD analysis or OrcaFlex.
CFD Analysis
ComputationalFluid Dynamic(CFD) analysis is a great tool increasingly used in addition with tank testing.
A typical project consists of CFD-analysis to compare multiple ship designs at one velocity, before conducting model tests to determine the complete charateristics for the chosen design.
We have performed CFD analysis on both single hulls and multiple hull vessels, in low to high speeds. With numerically generated waves we are also able to run anything from seakeeping tests of ships to investigate wave propogation through marina bays.

Orcaflex analysis
Stadt Towing Tank offers sophisticated modeling and advaced hydrodynamic design through the use of the software package OrcaFlex from Orcina.
Our R&D Director has been using OrcaFlex for non-standard modeling of everything from highly non-linear wave energy converters, large floating bridges through, complex fish farms into more standard design applications as mooring systems and hydrodynamic desing of standard O&G structures. The OrcaFlex package offers in addition to traditional non-linear time domain simulation new diffraction solution that allows generation of frequency dependent load and reponses of various structures.
Complex analysis
Using our in-house developed analytical tools, we can provide a wide range of complex analysis depending on our customers need. Seakeeping statistics of floating wind turbines or slamming incidents of passenger catamarans are only a few examples of analysis performed on data from model testing or computational tools.